Study Aids & Courses for the National (ASBOG®) Geology Licensing Exam,
the California Specific Exam and
the Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology Certification Exams

Reference Links for the ASBOG® Exam -- (Current as of 3/26/2021)
All * references are ASBOG® Recommended References (not all are applicable to the exam)

ASBOG® Exam Information -
* ASBOG® Candidate Handbook revised September, 2023 (a link to the ASBOG® website) (pdf)
REG REVIEW's Simplified Blueprint for the ASBOG® Exam (pdf)
General Geology Links -
Topographic Map Symbols - USGS
Lithologic Symbols - USGS (pdf)
Magnetic Declination Lesson - USGS
Obtaining the current magnetic declination - NOAA
North American Datum Conversion (NAD) NOAA
NGS Coordinate Conversion and Transformation Tool (NCAT) NOAA NAD Replacement tool
Map Scales - USGS Fact Sheet 015-02 (February 2002)
Geologic Time Scale - USGS Fact Sheet 2010-3059 (pdf)
Drainage Patterns
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing - Natural Resources of Canada
Concepts of Aerial Photography - Natural Resources of Canada
Introduction to Air Photo Interpretation - Natural Resources of Canada
Aerial Photographs in Geologic Interpretation and Mapping - Ray - USGS Professional Paper 373
Aerial Photographs and Satelite Images - USGS Online Edition
Lidar 101 - An Introduction to Lidar Technology, Data and Applications - NOAA (pdf)
Introduction to LIDAR - a Self-paced course
InSAR - USGS Fact Sheet 2005-3025 (pdf)
A Tapestry of Time and Terrain - USGS Geologic Investigations Series 2720
Paleomap Project - Scotese - Tectonic History of the Earth
Seismic Wave Propagation
Periodic Table (NOVA)
* Physical Geology Text access to a general geology textbook online
* MIT geology courses links to course notes, many subjects inappropriate for the ASBOG® exam
* Visible Geology, you can construct geology in 3 dimensions, fun to play with but not really applicable to ASBOG® exam
* Rock and Mineral Jeopardy a game that could help with definitions of rocks and minerals, kind of like flashcards
* AGI GOLI online courses, wide variety of topics, most not applicable to the exam but good for earning CEU credits
Guidelines for Reports -
Guidelines for Evaluating the Hazard of Surface Fault Rupture - California Geological Survey Note 49 (pdf)
Guidelines For Preparing Geologic Reports For Regional-Scale Environmental & Resource Management Planning - California Geological Survey Note 52 (pdf)
Guidelines For Engineering Geologic Reports For Timber Harvest Plans - California Geological Survey Note 45 (pdf)
Guidelines for Reviewing Geologic Reports California Geological Survey Note 41
Suggestions to Authors of Reports of the U.S. Geological Survey - USGS (website)
Hydrogeology Links -
* Heath - Basic Ground-Water Hydrology - Water Supply Paper 2220
Hem - Study and Interpretation of the Chemical Characteristics of Natural Water - USGS Water Supply Paper 2254
Errata for the Third Edition of Fetter's Applied Hydrogeology
Keys - Borehole Geophysics Applied to Ground-Water Investigations - Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Book 2, Chapter E-2
Aller, L. et al. - Handbook of Suggested Practices for the Design and Installation of Ground-Water Monitoring Wells - 1991, EPA 160014-891034 (pdf)
Ground-Water Sampling Guidelines for Superfund and RCRA Project Managers - EPA 542-S-02-001 (pdf)
Engineering Geology/Geologic Hazards Links -
Cement and Concrete Basics - Iowa Concrete Paving Association
Portland Cement - Concrete Pavement - Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology, FHWA-RD-97-148
Grouting Methods and Equipment - U.S. Army Corp Of Engineers, TM 5-818-6 (pdf)
Alkali-Aggregate Reactions - Portland Cement Association
The Landslide Handbook - USGS Circular 1325(40MB) (pdf)
Focal Mechanisms (Beachball Theory) - USGS
National Seismic Hazard Map - USGS - Open-File Report 2018
* Engineering Geology Field Manual - Bureau of Reclamation - Volume I & II, minor applicability to the ASBOG® exam
* Rock Mechanics - Works by Dr. Evert Hoek, limited applicability to the ASBOG® exam
Economic Geology Links -
USGS Mineral Commodity Summaries
Coal Resource Classification System - Wood - USGS Circular 891
National Coal Resource Assessment Overview - USGS Professional Paper 1526-F
Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS) Guide for Non-Technical Users - SPE International (pdf)
Rare Earth Elements - USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5220
Geophysical Methods in Exploration and Mineral Environmental Investigations - USGS Open File Report 95-083 (pdf)
Abandoned Mine Site Characterization and Cleanup Handbook - EPA 910-B-00-001 (pdf)
Regulations, Standards and Guidelines -
EPA - Environmental Laws
U.S. Drinking Water Standards EPA
Well-Head Protection: A Guide for Small Communities - EPA/625/R/93/002 (pdf)
EPA Septic Systems - Guidance, Manuals and Policies
Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual (2002) - EPA/625/R-00/008 (pdf)
Plugging and Abandoning Injection Wells - EPA Region 5 Guidance #4
LNAPL Info - EPA/540/S-95/500 (pdf)
DNAPL Info - EPA/540/4-91-002 (pdf)
Brownfields Info - EPA Brownfields and Land Revitalization
Safeguarding Personnel on Hazardous Sites - OSHA
Safeguarding Personnel in Excavations - OSHA (check the appendices)
Professional Practice and Ethics Guidelines -
AEG Professional Practice Handbook (1993) (pdf)
AGI Guidelines for Ethical Professional Conduct
AIPG Code of Ethics

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Phone: (303) 484-1203 (days & evenings), (916) 456-4870 (evenings) |Cell: (603) 714-4841

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